“The Welsh government said all future roads…must not increase carbon emissions, they must not increase the number of cars on the road, they must not lead to higher speeds and higher emissions, and they must not negatively impact the environment.” All major road building projects in Wales are scrapped – BBC News

The recommendations from “The Future of Road Investment in Wales: Advice from the Independent Panel appointed by the Welsh Government”:

We recommend that to be consistent with Welsh Government policy, road schemes should only be for these four purposes
Shifting trips to sustainable transport to reduce carbon emissions
Reducing casualties where they are high, through small-scale changes
Adapting roads to the impacts of climate change
Supporting prosperity by providing access to development sites that will achieve high sustainable transport mode share
We recommend that road schemes for these purposes should additionally meet four conditions
The scheme should minimise carbon emissions in construction
The scheme should not lead to higher vehicle speeds that increase emissions
The scheme should not increase road capacity for cars
The scheme should not adversely affect ecologically valuable sites

I am confident that if we applied the same (prudent, sensible and expert) analysis and recommendations from Wales to Ireland’s road building programme, all the roads projects in the National Development Plan as currently proposed would be cancelled.