New CSO stats today show a big increase in bus journeys outside Dublin over pre-pandemic levels. Graph shows bus passenger journeys outside Dublin for the first four weeks in January in 2023 vs 2019. According to the CSO by Week 8 this 2019-23 increase had reached 31%.

Graph showing number of passenger journeys by bus outside the zxDublin metro area for the first four weeks of 2019 and 2023. The graph shows a 20% increase (approximately) for each of the first four weeks in 2023 over 2019. Total number of journeys reached over 850,000 in week 4 2023.

In addition, bus journeys in Dublin have also increased (off a higher base) over 2019 levels. By Week 8 the 2019-23 increase had reached 10%. Great to see such an increase in numbers especially outside the capital.

Graph showing number of passenger journeys by bus inside the Dublin metro area for the first four weeks of 2019 and 2023. The graph shows an 8% increase (approximately) for each of the first four weeks in 2023 over 2019. Total number of journeys reached over 3 million in week 4 2023.