The Greens and Labour have organised a meeting next Monday in Limerick to listen to the experiences of people in the Direct Provision system. We’re grateful to the people who have agreed to speak and I hope lots of people will come to Ormston House to listen and show solidarity.

Straw poll of two people taking the bus to work on UL campus this morning, both journeys of ~7km: 1 hour 20 mins (1 bus); 1 hour 50 mins (2 buses). Slower than walking pace.

Consequences of designing a university campus around the private car: a bus stuck in a 1.5km tailback to the gates of the University of Limerick.

Rant: walking, cycling and taking public transport in Limerick is universally terrible but easily fixable if politicians/officials/we cared. Instead we’re stuck in the 70’s, trying to put cars everywhere. This makes our city so much more crappy than it needs to be.

I should add better public transport is also important for social inclusion as well as attracting overpaid nerds.

On the bus to Castletroy this morning. I’ve spotted two other software developers on the bus. We’re crawling along due to traffic. Limerick needs to sort out public transport and stop fetishising the private car if we want to attract professionals in high demand to the city.

My father-in-law, Joe Cahill, passed away this morning. He was a lovely kind and generous man and he will be missed. Wake in Ovens Co. Cork (Eircode P12 Y239) tomorrow at 6pm and funeral mass at noon Weds in Macroom church.

Had a lovely few days camping on Cape Clear off the coast of Cork.

This was so much fun. Can’t wait for the last Friday in August when we get to do it again.

Effective because they put a password you’ve used in the subject line. Ransom is $1000!

Being a man on Twitter vs. being a woman on Twitter

Happy Pride from the Limerick Greens.

So many beautiful things in Made in Limerick on Thomas St. Worth a visit!

Any software developers in Limerick looking for a junior role? Feel free to drop me a line. Email address on my website.

Dear Autocorrect: I’m not sure this algal bloom is what you meant by ducking hell but I’d say it’s pretty ducking annoying. Also: no ducks in photo as they ducked off.

Great session last night at the Limerick iOS dev meetup, with a really accessible talk on Augmented Reality and its applications in industry.

Streets are better with people, not cars

The University of Limerick actually employs people to stop pedestrians from using pedestrian crossings at rush hour.

Our 51st podcast episode, and our first with a guest. Stephen Coyle joined us to talk about all his apps, the challenges of being an indie developer, and lots of other things. Really enjoyed recording this one.

First pilot canvass in Limerick tonight. Positive response. We’ll be out in numbers from next week.

Clearing a snow-covered footpath is very satisfying. I’m a bit wrecked now though!

My current commuting outfit makes me look a bit demented but at least it keeps the snow out of my eyes.

Anybody hiring iOS developers in Limerick or remote? Not looking myself but I know quite a few very talented iOS devs locally who are available, they would get snapped up in a heartbeat if they were in a bigger city. Contact details on my website if anybody wants to get in touch.

To the random heroine who tried to stop to help me after I fell off my bike on the ice, and ended up falling off her own bike as a result: thank you and I’m so very sorry!

Links for this week include a few interesting posts about ethics in the tech industry (which is turning into a bit of a hobby horse for me) and a wise article from Michael Lewis about US politics.

Huge thanks to Allen Wixted for presenting. You should download his app, it’s class!

Good crowd for our Limerick iOS dev meetup tonight.

Brompton silhouette this evening by the River Shannon.

Attended the first Limerick AI/Games meetup last night. Good fun, interesting talks and fun pints after.

A new present to myself. Taking a while to break in but it’s starting to feel very comfy.

Links 2018-01-14: including cryptocurrency cynicism, the origins of the Iraq war in 1990s WWII nostalgia, naming things, mens fashion and the 17 year-old in Ratoath teaching the world how to (maybe) make a fortune.

Starting a new job today. The commute is very nice.

[Weekly links 2018-01-07](

Great coffee returns to Limerick’s Mallow Street. So happy!

@aaronblock I enjoyed your blog post about using Swift as a teaching language. Curious to know how changes in Swift 3/4 have made a difference, e.g. readLine()?

Interesting news for iOS devs – Buddybuild has been acquired by Apple. There have been consistent improvements in continuous integration/delivery in Xcode over the past few years but this could be a big step change. I wonder if they will make the additions to Xcode Server or will they switch to a cloud model for testing and deployment?

A new experiment I’m running – [a weekly list of links to things I enjoyed reading over the week.]( Feedback welcome!

New podcast episode! If you’re looking for some holiday gaming recommendations, Baz and Dave have some good ones towards the end.

New post: “Eight opinionated tips for people learning Swift”

When you close a street to traffic, you open it to hearts and minds.

Final step with – verify that this site is hooked up to my account, which hopefully I just did with that link!

Think everything is hooked up now. I can even post to my own microblog from the app! Love the simplicity of it all. Kudos to @manton for allowing me to take control of my own content. Wonder if that @ mention will work?

Hopefully this is now set up to post to – am taking notes and might do a writeup later.

Weekend project start (this!) new micro-blog and hook it up to – going for an off-the-shelf wordpress theme to get it up and running quickly